
2024年1月30日—Method2:iCloud·OnyouriPhone,gotoSettings>[YourName]>iCloud>Photos.·EnsurethattheiCloudPhotosentryistoggledON.,,2023年12月29日—TransferphotostoanewiPhoneusingiCloudPhotoLibrary.IfyouhaveenoughiCloudstorage,youcaneffectivelytransferyourentirephoto ...,2024年2月27日—HowtotransferphotosfromiPhonetoiPhonein6Ways·Method1.PerformiPhone-to-iPhonePhotoTransferwithDataTransferTool...

4 Ways

2024年1月30日 — Method 2: iCloud · On your iPhone, go to Settings > [Your Name] > iCloud > Photos. · Ensure that the iCloud Photos entry is toggled ON.

How to transfer photos from iPhone to iPhone

2023年12月29日 — Transfer photos to a new iPhone using iCloud Photo Library. If you have enough iCloud storage, you can effectively transfer your entire photo ...

How to Transfer Photos from iPhone to iPhone in 6 Ways

2024年2月27日 — How to transfer photos from iPhone to iPhone in 6 Ways · Method 1. Perform iPhone-to-iPhone Photo Transfer with Data Transfer Tool · Method 2.

Import and export photos and videos on iPhone

Import photos and videos to your iPhone · Connect a camera: Connect the adapter to the camera, then turn on the camera and make sure it's in transfer mode.

Transfer photos from iPhone to another iDevice

1 Open 'Photo Transfer' app and touch SEND button. Photo Transfer App. 2 Tap on the OTHER ...